House Painters


Zeolis House Painters is an all-in-one house painting team in Auckland (New Zealand) for house exterior, interior, and roof painting. We have scaffolding, professional painting gears, hard-working painters, and standard painting preparation practices to ensure high-quality house painting works.

Painting of color steel roof, timber trim, exterior cedar cladding, and window frames; Painting of two bedrooms. Scaffolding, ladders, roof ladder, harnesses, water blaster, spray painting machine, all dropping clothes, and masking were included and provided by one team: Zeolis House Painters.

Zeolis’ House Painting Prices in Auckland

We offer THREE pricing options for Auckland house painting services and we try to keep both transparent and clear, with no hidden cost to customers. We also applied standard painting practices for each job we do, normally clearly stated in our quotation email.

A. Painters’ Hourly Rates    

B. Painting Price Per Square Meter

C. All-in-One Painting Project Quote


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